When the Sugarfoot Rag has Become a Drag
If you were left scratching your head at the rhythm overview, or you still aren't sure what exactly a chop chord is, it's time to take a look at a few different styles of rhythm playing on the mandolin. Check out any of the links below to get your start into this crucial aspect of mandolin musicianship.
Learning Path
Now that you have a good handle on your strumming technique, it’s time to bring your fretting hand into the mix and start learning s...
Learning Path
Learn to play on the back beat, add authentic Bluegrass rhythmic embellishments, and articulate your mandolin chops by controlling l...
Learning Path
Learn to use the Barre Chord for mandolin, along with three songs: 'Nine Pound Hammer,' 'Turkey in the Straw,' and 'Big Spike Hammer...