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  2. Learning Paths
  3. Multi-Level Metronome Exercise
  4. Subdividing the Beat

Subdividing the Beat

Eighth Note Rolls

Metronome is staying at the same beat, but we're now subdividing each quarter note into 2 eighth notes. These come twice as fast as the quarter notes. It is harder to play and count steadily. If you struggled with the quarter notes. Go back and practice that regularly for a week or two and build up your skills there before trying this.. Since we're now playing 8 eighth notes per measure, we can fit in two rolls where we did have one. Watch the video for a demo. Again, count aloud. This is even more imporant than playing if you struggle with playing in time. Remember, master counting aloud and/or clapping with the metronome for 1-2 minutes before tackling the exercise.

Again, the measures with rests are intended to encourage listening and counting before you play, once you are in sync with the metronome continue to count an play the eighth notes and roll during the measures as you repeat the exercise.

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In the next lesson, we'll apply the accent pattern to this new subdivision.