1. Tunefox.com
  2. Banjo songs
  3. D Major Melodic Scale Workout
  4. Scale Pattern #3

D Major Melodic Scale Workout - Scale Pattern #3

  • Scale Pattern #3
  • Key   D
  • Tempo   50 bpm
  • Tuning   GDGBD

This workout moves you through the D major scale in the melodic style by moving in "thirds". This is a musical term describing the distance in which you move from one note to another. It's basically a "skip". The D Major scale notes are D E F# G A B C# D E F#, etc. An example of a third is going from the first scale note "D', also known as the root, to an F#. Another skip or 3rd would be going from E to G. That's the technical explanation. The other you have to experience for yourself. Listen. Listen slowly. Listen so you can understand. You will get familiar with the sound of these skips.

As always, practice slowly and for accuracy before trying to go fast. Pay very close attention to the fingerings for the pick hand and the fret hands as they are listed in the banjo tab. Use the focus feature to work on a measure at a time to really get a great workout!

Explore more D Major Melodic Scale Workout Banjo Tabs:

Low Octave, Higher Octave, Two Octave Scale, Scale Pattern #1, Scale Pattern #2, Scale Pattern #4, Diatonic Modes