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  3. D Major Melodic Scale Workout
  4. Diatonic Modes

D Major Melodic Scale Workout - Diatonic Modes

  • Diatonic Modes
  • Key   D
  • Tempo   60 bpm
  • Tuning   gDGBD

Diatonic Modes. What the heck does that mean? Well, Diatonic means "of the scale". Everything in this workout is technically the D major scale, just with different starting and ending points. Listen to the sound of each "mode" or scale. They all have a sonic signature. Ionian is the typical major scale sound. It is the major scale. In the key of D the notes of the major scale, AKA the "ionian" mode, are D E F# G A B C#. The Dorian mode is the second mode of the major scale. You start and end on the 2nd scale note of a major scale. Same notes, different sound. E is the second note of the D major scale. E dorian notes are E F# G A B C# D. It has more of a minor sound.

Music theory is hard to understand. Just know that learning these modes will help you understand and know all the notes you can use in D major even better. They will also help you develop the strength and coordination you need to play tunes in the melodic style with ease.

When you get way up the neck single string style is required. If it gets too tough up there don't feel like you have to know or learn that. It's good just to look and listen. The most important bits of the melodic style lay in the mid-range of the banjo. Use the focus feature to take a deep dive into each of the modes. It's a lot to learn. Break it up and work on it in pieces with the focus feature. Learn a mode a day or a mode each week.

Explore more D Major Melodic Scale Workout Banjo Tabs:

Low Octave, Higher Octave, Two Octave Scale, Scale Pattern #1, Scale Pattern #2, Scale Pattern #3, Scale Pattern #4